national development foundation of st. vincent and the grenadines
striving to achieve entrepreneurial excellence
Loan financing is provided to small and micro enterpreneurs to encourage self-help and sustainability. It is also provided to assist in setting up businesses or for making existing businesses more competitive. Loans sizes vary according to the nature and viability of each project. The initial interview is the first step in applying for a loan.
how to be eligible
To quality for assistance from the NDF :-
- Have a viable project
- Be of good character
- Be under 65 years of age
- Be a citizen/resident of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Be directly responsible for the management of the buisness and have financial input in the business
- Be willing to accept Technical Services and Training
target sectors
- Agriculture
- Fishing
- Craft
- Construction
- Industrial Trades
- Manufacturing
- Services
- Tourism
- Commercial Services
Security requirements
All loans must be secured by any combination of the following:-
- Guarantor(s)
- Bill of Sale on equipment and other fixed assts
- Lien on Savings and Fixed deposits
- Mortgage on land and building
- Assignment of insurance and contract revenues
other services
- Project Evaluation
- Business Services
- Business Advice and Counselling
- Loan packaging and monitoring